Cutlist Optimizer

  1. Cutlist Optimizer Review
  2. Cutlist Optimizer For Linux
  3. Cutlist Optimizer Free Download Windows 10
  4. Free Plywood Cut Layout Software


Back About this cut list optimizer This online cut list optimizer is kind of cutting optimization software specialized for cutting rectangular material like wood, glass or sheet metal. Easy to use plywood cut calculator. With this cutlist optimizer, you can automatically create optimal layouts to use the entire surface area of the material you’re working with without leaving unusable cuts and instantaneously calculate quantities and prices of the materials needed for your project.

CutList Optimizer is a free website for generating cut sheets and cut lists. If you haven’t already, please watch my YouTube Video.

This article accompanies the video by:
  • highlighting any significant changes to the CutList Optimizer website since the video was released,
  • covering topics not mentioned in the video, and
  • going into more detail on some topics mentioned in the video

Changes to CutList Optimizer since the Video was released:
No known changes since the video was released.
If you know of any changes, please leave a comment, or contact me at Thanks.

Article Changes:
2019-09-03: Added the SketchUp pluginOpenCutList.
2019-08-30: Added “About the Author of CutList Optimizer“
2019-08-28: Major re-write for the video.
2019-08-15: Pre-release (before finishing the video).

Table of Contents

!! Please read the sections marked with red exclamation marks !!

  1. !!How NOT to Lose Your Data
  2. !!Error Messages / Bugs


Contains most of the information I have on CutList Optimizer.

About the Author of CutList Optimizer

About six months ago, I exchanged a few emails with the guy who created CLO. I asked him a few questions, and here’s a portion of his reply I think you might find interesting:


Sorry for the delayed response, lots of mails to go through! [Edit: It was two weeks before he had a chance to reply]

I’m just one guy that started doing this in the free time as an hobby. Didn’t know the site would be useful to this many users.Woodworking is not my area of expertise so, I rely heavily on user feedback to add features or fix issues.

A friend told me this thing would be useful so, I started by creating a really simple site and, as I’ve seen it started to get traffic, I began to add features and improve it.

For the time being, the site is free to use and, the plans are, to collect feedback, fix issues and add features according the feedback. Perhaps, in the future, I’ll implement some monetization strategy and see how it goes.

He also mentioned that he subscribed to my channel, which was nice. But since it’s taken me half a year to finally do the video, who knows whether he still bothers with my channel or not. I wish him the best.

And Pedro, if you ever want to drop me an email from a mailbox that isn’t so busy, feel free. Who knows, maybe I can help somehow - but not with writing code, I’ll leave that to you! 😮

!! How NOT to Lose Your Data

I talk about this in the video, but it bears repeating.

When you use any of the “Save” menu items, i.e. “Save Project” or “Save List”, your data gets stored in your browser’s cookies 1.

Cutlist optimizer free

And that means your data could get deleted without you realizing it. For instance, if you clear your browser’s history, it’ll probably 2 clear your CutList Optimizer’s saved data.

So I recommend that you export your data to CSV files on your computer.

Click each of two menus circled in blue, and use the “Export” option (blue box).

You can still use the “Save” menu items, just make sure you have a recent copy of the lists exported also. Especially if you want to come back to the project at some point in the future.

Sign In Button

A new “Sign In” button was added in the upper right, and I think it was added 2019-08-21.

Cutlist Optimizer

You must be signed in to save or load a project (or save or load a list).

If you’re not signed in, you’ll get a message saying that you must be signed in…

…and then you’ll get this sign-in form.
Click image to view full sized.

Why do we need to sign in?

I honestly don’t know. But I suspect it’s a response to something in the GDPR regulations. All you have to do is read the GDPR home page to see why I think this:

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years.

The regulation will fundamentally reshape the way in which data is handled across every sector, from healthcare to banking and beyond.

Cutlist Optimizer

So, by forcing people to sign in before save and loading data from cookies 3, the data in theory is protected by your sign-in information.


If I learn of any way to interface SketchUp with CutList Optimizer, I’ll post it here.

As I said in the video, I’m pretty sure there’s a way to export CSV files from SketchUp that can be imported into CutList Optimizer.

If you have any information about this, please leave a comment below, or in the video, or even email me at Thanks!

SketchUp Plugins


This is a free SketchUp Plugin that’s also open source (kudos). I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks very promising.

!! Error Messages / Bugs

There’s a couple of error messages that you might encounter, and I think sometimes you get them as a result of a bug.

I think this one means you can’t run “Calculation” in multiple browser windows or tabs at the same time.

This one is kind of self-explanatory. I’d like to say this to people myself, sometimes. “My brain is experiencing some issues. Try again later.

If you receive either of the above error messages, and you can’t get them to go away, it might be because of a bug in the website. It’s happened to me a couple of times.

Some things to try:

  1. Close your browser (not just the tab or window, but the program itself), then start it again. See if that helps.

  2. Try a different browser, if you have one. Your data won’t be there, but try a simple project and see if you still get the error message. If you don’t, then continue with the next step.

  3. Make sure you’ve exported your lists, then try clearing your browser’s cookies for this website. Here’s an article that shows how to delete cookies for a specific website.


If you find something wrong in what I’ve written, or if you have questions you think I can answer (remember, I’m just a “user” like you), let me know in the comments below, or in the comments for the video.

If I make changes to this article, I’ll update the information at the top to show the changes I made.


  1. Actually, the data isn’t stored in cookies, it’s stored in your browser’s “Local Storage”. If you don’t know the difference, then don’t worry about it. I just wanted to be pedantic to fend of other people with like tendencies. ↩

  2. Whether or not the data gets cleared along with the history depends on which browser you’re using, and possibly other options. But the point is still valid - your data may get deleted without you realizing it. ↩

  3. See footnote #1, above. ↩

Categories:Tool Resources

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Cutlist Optimizer Review

What if you could consistently determine the most efficient way to cut your wood stock down into project-ready pieces?

First off you’d save yourself money – quite a big chunk over time depending on how much wood you buy. Some other repercussions? You’d have no need for articles like: 11 Ideas for Wood Cut Offs, and you could strike the cut off storage plans off your list of wood storage plans.
So if you’re willing to save money and give up your future cut off supply (you have probably saved more than you can ever use anyways ;) then you should give these two free programs a try. I found these two programs in the Woodnet thread: one of the best tools I have found in a while

Cutlist Optimizer For Linux

1) Cutlist Generator
This program creates a diagram showing the stock pieces and how the required parts may be cut from them. Data may created, deleted, modified and saved to a file for later use. Users can specify the width of material lost during cutting (saw blade kerf width), and the minimum dimension of waste material to report. Solution searches give priority to crosscuts (vertical on the screen) or rip-cuts (horizontal) first or will try a Combination approach using all possible mixes of both types of cuts.

This particular application – which you will have to download to your computer and run from there – has mentions from many many woodworking forums. It’s often compared to Cutlist Plus, a more polished program that costs between $90 and $500. Most say it’s not as good looking or quite as easy to use, but it’s free and “works well for my usage” according to most everyone. Pages linking to this program (might prove useful if you have any specific questions or problems…)

Cutlist Optimizer Free Download Windows 10

2) Solving “the Cutting Stock Problem”
The Cutting Stock problem requires that we find the best (cheapest) way to cut one-dimensional stock pieces (pipe, dimensional lumber, wire, rolls of paper or other sheet material to be slit, etc.) in such a way that a given number of pieces of specified lengths or widths are created.

Free Plywood Cut Layout Software

Like sheet stock, linear stock can pose thorny mathematical problems when trying to minimize waste. This program will do the thinking for you! For free. What’s not to love?