Neopets Grundo

Getting a Grundo. Looking for an unusual choice for a new Neopet? Well, hidden away in the depths of the Virtupets Space Station is the Space Adoption Agency, where you can adopt a Grundo. If you wish to adopt a Grundo, first you must ensure you have fewer than the maximum number of Neopets allowed on your account. Grundo; Rainbow Pool Pet Colours. Peruse the available paint brush colour options for each species of Neopet. (It's our own version of the Neopets Rainbow Pool.) You can even see a list of which ones haven't been released yet! Below you will find the 2 past versions and revamps of the Grundo. Grundos originally only had three fingers, except for the Mutant Grundo, which had four. An artwork update made Grundos appear much more friendly. Their outstretched arms look like an invitation for a hug! Add the Neopets ‘Grundo – Forever Orange’ avatar to your collection by owning an Orange Grundo and then viewing its Petlookup. The Grundo can be any age, and you can create an Orange one at the Space Adoption Agency. ClickRead more Neopets Grundo – Forever Orange Avatar ›.

Neopets Grundo Cafe

'It was only after the Spider Grundo had ensnared Sloth's Warriors in a massive web that the doctor had realised his mistake.' - Neopedia
The Spider Grundo is a mutated Grundo that has fangs, six spider-like legs, and the ability to spin massive webs. He was once a normal Grundo and an underling of Dr. Sloth.

One day, Dr. Sloth decided to use a Grundo in one of his mutation experiments. The experiment gave the Grundo spider-like features and abilities; however, because Sloth forgot to use mind-control power during the experiment, the Grundo maintained his free will and was able to escape from Dr. Sloth's laboratory. The Spider Grundo now lives in a cave on the outskirts of Neopia Central, terrorizing any unsuspecting Neopets that get caught in his webs.

NeoQuest II[edit]

Main Article: NeoQuest II

The Spider Grundo, along with Balthazar and Hubrid Nox, was placed under a mind-control spell by Edna. While under Edna's influence, the Spider Grundo was forced take part in the casting of a spell that locked the sun in place, creating eternal day in the Haunted Woods. After Rohane and his party defeated the Spider Grundo in the Cave of Dark Things, the mind control spell was broken and the Spider Grundo returned to his senses. When questioned, the Spider Grundo was unable to remember what had happened to him and suggested that Rohane go see Balthazar.

Spider Grundo
  • Wall of Chaos - 22 HP damage shield
  • Celestial Hammer - 3 sec. stun + 45 HP damage
  • Renew - Heals 150 HP
  • Immune to Stunning Strike
  • 2 weapons / armor
  • 2,000 Gold
NP Reward:
900 NP

Opening Dialogue:

Spider Grundo clicks his pincers at you as you approach him!

Flee Dialogue:

Spider Grundo laughs as you flee.

Defeat Dialogue:

Spider Grundo scuttles forward as your vision begins to fade. He looks like he's going to enjoy his meal...

Victory Dialogue:

Spider Grundo is flung against the far wall of the cave as the last blow hits. He looks dazed as he picks himself up, but shakes it off. However, the fire has gone out of his eyes. He tries to speak, but only incomprehensible mumbles emerge.

Neopets Grundo Warehouse Coin

Random Event[edit]

There are two random events involving the Spider Grundo:

The Spider Grundo drops down from a nearby tree and stares at you...
The Spider Grundo spins his web nearby... Best to move on, you wouldn't want to get caught in that.

Both of these events have no effect.


Spider Grundo
Difficulty:··Starting HP:··
Arena:Rattling CauldronReleased:October 17, 2001
Status:ActiveChallenger ID:25
Found by: Visiting his Gallery of Evil page.

Forest Sling
Silver Butter Knife
Snow Flame
Spider Grundo Sword
Spider Grundo Web Net
Supersize Mega Ultra Plus
Web Claw
Web Shield




Positive Thinking


Better Than You[edit]

The Spider Grudo has been a contestant on Better Than You twice:

Date: October 18, 2007No one spins a web like I do, no one! You think you can tangle webs with me and not suffer for it? I'll let you go on one condition: you manage to beat me at a game of web spinning. *cackle*
Game:Web of Vernax
Score: 4,990
Prize: The Spider Grundo

Date: December 10, 2008No tasty morsel escapes my web, and there are none other that can compete with my abilities. You dare to challenge me? I'm afraid you will only get yourself into a very sticky situation.
Game:Web of Vernax
Score: 4,750
Neopets grundo warehouse

External links[edit]

  • Neopedia:Spider Grundo
  • Gallery of Evil:Spider Grundo
  • NeoDeck:The Spider Grundo

Neopets Grundo
NeoQuest II

NeoQuest II·Rohane·Mipsy·Talinia·Velm


The Miner Foreman·Zombom·Sand Grundo·Ramtor·Leximp·Kolvars·Scuzzy·Siliclast·Gebarn II·Revenant·Coltzan's Ghost·Anubits·Meuka·Spider Grundo·The Four Faeries·Hubrid Nox·The Esophagor·Fallen Angel·Devilpuss·The Faerie Thief·Pant Devil·King Terask

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